Live from the stage/my workspace

Live from the stage/my workspace


Hether Dunn

As a multi media designer in the communication arts for over 20 years, I enjoy working with small start-ups to large corporations. My eye for color and detail brings the message home.  Along with my love of design is my strength in taking projects from conception to completion.

Working on homes started as a creative outlet and has become a joy and a cornerstone of my business. Creating partnership and collaboration with home owners, contractors and architects, we work together to design and plan space, select materials, manage the construction process.

My creative approach—no matter the medium—is to start with the message of a design or feel of a home and build work with you to create the cleanest result that is true to your vision. I enjoy the back-end of any project; understanding how a business runs, what are the key elements of a home or business. What is the technical reality behind the façade? What is the best way to implement a design? I love juggling moving parts, balancing the creative and the practical. 

My success is built on trust and collaboration with my clients. Relationships are critical and the result is rewarding for all, whether you’re a client, programmer, photographer, producer, or builder. We do it together.








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